Your arguments are valid and forceful, but have you actually tried them out with non-vaxxers? And, if you have, how successful were you in getting them to change their minds? Personally, I think arguments, however rational, are a waste of time. Elsewhere I quoted John Locke, the English philosopher who said, “Earthly minds, like mud walls, resist the strongest batteries: and though perhaps sometimes the force of a clear argument may make some impression, they nevertheless stand firm and keep out the enemy, truth, that would captivate or disturb them.”
So, I think it's time to lay down the law. This morning the NYC mayor announced that indoor dining, gyms and events would require proof of vaccinations. Good start, but not enough. States should mandate vaccinations for all residents. There is precedent. In 1905 the Supreme Court ruled (Jacobsen vs Massachusetts) that the city of Cambridge could enforce vaccination or levy fines. It's the law of the land and this is the time to dust it off and enforce it.